November 05, 2010

peering out of our cave

Hullo! We took ourselves off the shelf, dusted our shoulders a little, and are making ourselves look presentable for TWO shows tomorrow :D

Show #1: Launch of Artisan Roast

The's bandmate Alang and his friends just opened up a coffee place off Jalan Ampang. We'll be playing alongside Azmyl Yunor and Reza Salleh - a chilled out set amongst pretty shady trees and cups of good coffee. Event details here.

Show #2: Taylor's University's Indo Night

The good folk at Taylor's University are hosting an Indo Night tomorrow featuring a variety of Indonesian acts, food, etc. We're wondering how we'll fit in as usual, but Dizzy suspects The's Indonesian blood might come in handy. Details here.

Come ah or we don't friend you.

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